Oil is a tough enemy to face in the trenches of stain warfare, particularly when it has soaked in a good and deep. But here’s a secret weapon that just might carry the day. Fix up a solution of one part TSP (trisodium phosphate) to four parts of water. Soak an old towel in the solution, lay it over the sinister stain, and allow it to sit. From time to time, you can work the solution into the stain with a scrub brush, but the best results will come from the towel leaching the stain out. Even if this does not completely remove a deep stain, it will reduce it.
A spot of trouble
For a stubborn grease spot, try scrubbing it with concentrated detergent suds. Use a very stiff brush, and then hose it down with water. Or you might try automatic dish washing detergent. Spread the powder onto a dampened surface and allow it to stand for a while. Take a bucket of boiling water and rinse the area, then scrub it and rinse it again.