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To keep your hot water heater in top shape, drain two to three gallons of water from the valve at the bottom to remove any sediment that may have collected. If you do this about every six months, you may save yourself the trouble of repairing a leaky faucet valve. Removing sediment will also help the heater work more efficiently, saving you money each month on your power bill.
If the outside of your water heater is warm to the touch, it’s wasting energy. Cover the outside of the tank with a specially designed blanket of installation. Home improvement stores carry water heater “jackets” that are either one and a half or three inches thick and fit any size water heater. Just wrap it around the heater, tape it, and trim off the excess.
The simplest method to keep drains from becoming clogged requires no harsh chemicals or hard work. Just heat about a gallon of water to boiling, pour half down the drain, wait a few minutes, and pour in the rest. Don’t risk cracking a porcelain basin-pour directly into the drain. repeat this procedure once a week.
If you don’t already have a low-flush toilet, consider installing a displacement device in your toilet tank. This nifty gadget save you one to two gallons per flush by reducing the amount of water your tank will hold. With a small plastic bottle, such as a juice or a laundry soap bottle, you can make your own displacement device. Remove the bottle’s label. place a few stones in the bottom for weight, and fill it with water. Place the bottle in your toilet tank, being careful that it doesn’t interfere with flushing mechanism. You may have to experiment a little to see what size bottle your tank will hold and still have enough water to flush effectively.
Check the back of your toilet bowl, in front of the tank: there should be a label there telling you how many gallons per flush it uses.
Some low-flow toilet models bare the EPA’s Water-Sense label and use less than 1.6 gallons of water per flush and can save at least 14,000 gallons a year.
Low-flow toilets can be purchased from your neighborhood hardware store for a couple hundred bucks. Your municipality might even have a rebate program in place.
Dual-flush toilets, which have long been common in Europe, are now being introduced to the American market. With them, one method of flushing creates the standard 1.6-gallon flow, while another, which is reserved for liquid waste, allows half that amount, 0.8 gallons of water, to flow through. Brand new dual-flush models can be purchased for around $300.
Pressure-assisted toilets use water pressure to compensate for the smaller amount of water going through. Flush water surges through the bowl, 1.6 gallons or 1 gallon at a time.
The simplest way to economize on water with an older, high-volume toilet is to place heavy objects – such as a weighted plastic bottle – inside the toilet tank to reduce its capacity. Don’t be tempted to place a brick inside the tank, however, as they tend to break down and screw up the plumbing.
A slightly higher-tech solution is to purchase a toilet water dam that is attached inside the bowl and reduces the space to be filled up with water after a flush.
You can also purchase a water displacement bladder bag for your toilet. With the Flush-less water-saving bag, you simply fill it with water, hang it in the toilet tank, and start saving up to 2 ½ quarts with every flush.
Consider the composting toilet, a highly engineered technology that uses microbes and sometimes heat or electricity to break down human waste into a nutrient-rich material that can eventually be used as safe fertilizer for trees and non-edible plants.
If your water bills are suspiciously higher than normal, you may have a leaky toilet without knowing it. Find out by putting a small amount of food coloring in the tank, then wait 20 minutes. If you see color in the bowl, you’ve got a leak. Contact your plumber to have it fixed so you can stop wasting 200 gallons a day!
Who of us have never been in need of a plumbing Cherry Hill? No one! We all have faced the usual problems of our plumbing and needed a professional to take care of it. Be that a simple leak, up to a whole new installation, the necessity of it remains the same. One of many reasons why you should choose us for your plumbing in Cherry Hill is the quality! We pride ourselves on the best feedback we got from our customers that we performed our plumbing in Cherry Hill. Most of the responses were that since we fixed their plumbing, not one problem persisted afterwards!
Like any other service we offer, we treat plumbing Cherry Hill separate from the other because of the complexity of it. The sink is the most traffic of water an equipment can get in your home…even more than your bathtub! Plus, all the food leftovers that are thrown in the sink lead to the blocking of it. Thus, performing the service of plumbing in Cherry Hill becomes more than a mandatory service occasionally. We will try to give you tips below on how to protect and prevent damage to your actual sink. But, whenever you feel the need of a professional for your plumbing in Cherry Hill, please call us at (267) 908-5518 and let us take care of it!
One of the best ways to prevent getting a plumbing Cherry Hill is to take care of what you put down your sink. Many things are the enemies of your sink such as grease, hair, soap scum, which lead to the clogging of your sink. But, lucky for you, we will give you some tips to prevent that!
- Save cooking grease in an old can, than dispose it in the trash!
- If you make coffee, throw the grounds away in the garbage!
- Run hot water through the sink after each heavy use, since it makes oily products run down the drain and not block the road.
- Throw some baking soda into the drain and follow it with hot water so it absorbs foul odors and leave your pipes smelling great!
- Pour a cup of vinegar down the drain and let it sit for 30 minutes, than flush it with hot water because vinegar does wonder in cleaning since it has a lot of acid!
These are some ways to keep your sink clean of clogging, but it still requires care. If you find yourself on such a position, call us and we will take care of it for you!